
How to Increase pageview Website / Blog

Hello all my friends, loyal blog visitors Unlimited22, delighted at this opportunity I have time to post to this blog. Okay at this time I will be sharing a little bit about mozilla add ons for the browser, the add ons that have multiple functions.

Why do I say have a multi function?

Add ons reload every is an add ons that automatically reload a particular web page with an automatic of course, is the same as would reproduce page views (page views) for certain web at switch on every reload it. Besides that many now the Gretongers using reload every requirement for this to be a smooth handover destination for data when opening certain web pages not alias blank whiteness.

From the exposure I have above, then reload every common goal that is very beneficial to us all, especially the hackers providers or for bloggers to increase blog page views.

Here is a screen shot from the reload every menu.

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